Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Eat This Not That

You might have heard of the book "Eat This Not That" by David Zinczenko. In one of my many magazines that I devour each week, there is a short section of Eat This Not That. It's amazing how much of a difference small changes in your diet can make. Even more amazing is how some of the "healthier" choices are actually detrimental to your diet.

Last week, I came across an article called "10 Worst Sandwhices In America" written by the same author as Eat This Not That. Ofcourse, as usual, curiosity won and I decided to take a look and let me tell you I was shocked at some of the sandwhiches. Here's a short rundown of what I found out:

1. Subway Meatball Marinara Footlong
  • 1,160 calories
  • 46 g fat
  • 3,060 mg sodium

2. Blimpie Special Vegetarian Footlong

  • 1,184 calories
  • 60 g fat
  • 2,198 mg sodium

3. Quizno's Large Tuna Melt

  • 1,760 calories
  • 25 g saturated fat
  • 2,120 mg sodium

This was just a short list compared to what was listed in the article. I think the biggest shocker was the vegetarian sandwhich from Blimpie. The damage in this sandwhich comes from the high doses of oils and dressings that are put onto the sandwhich to make it tasty, but I still couldn't believe the numbers! It really puts a new perspective on paying attention to what you eat.

1 comment:

  1. It's going to be a SWEET potatoe weekend for my family. Think I'll pass on the hunt for banana garlic powder however.
