I'm 28 and just married the greatest guy! Unlike most newlyweds, we're spending practically our first year of marriage apart while he finishes his enlistment in the Army. Not exactly a normal situation, but I'm not exactly a normal person!
I was inspired to write this blog for numerous reasons. I've always believed that to be successful, there needs to be a degree of accountability. Trust me, for accountability, this blog has already worked! Knowing that there are readers who are checking my blog each day definitely motivates me to get my butt out of bed and moving each morning!
Another reason to blog? My mom said I need a hobby! I really don't understand why. I mean, my husband lives in another state, I don't have cable, I don't have a dog, I live like a recluse, oh, and I carry on conversations with my cat. And if you are wondering if she talks back to me, the answer is yes! Hmm...I think I'm starting to see my mom's wisdom now.
I'm also using this blog to be accountable to myself. I used to be full of excuses as to why I was overweight, until I realized something. Excuses are LAME! Throw them out the door people. You can make every excuse you want, but you'll keep on getting the same results, which is zero progress! Want to know one of my excuses? I always used to say that I "struggled" with my weight. Well, one night I was thinking about that and I realized that you can only struggle with something if you are actually trying to better the situation. Struggling doesn't come from doing nothing. Well, in terms of getting in shape, what was I doing? Well, I would occassionally workout, try to eat better, maybe workout again, but consistency seemed to be my problem! In other words, I was basically doing nothing!
So, now that I have started this journey, I'm allowed to say I'm struggling because I am actually trying. And while yes, it may be a struggle, atleast when I look in the mirror and I don't exactly like what I see, I know I'm working to make a change.

How did you make your blog so cute. Mine is lame compared to yours. I'm excited you started a blog!
ReplyDeleteHey McKette! I admit, I broke down and paid someone to do it for me! lol Although, if you go to istockphoto.com, you can find some pretty cute pictures (that's where I found my avatar!)...and by the way, I LOVE your blog. I'm always cracking up at the things you write that Allee has said. :)