Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Motivation, Workout, and Sleep

Jason and I were talking last night and naturally (naturally in the sense that I seriously diverted the conversation) started talking about the honeymoon in Jamaica. I mentioned that I sure hoped I was in better shape when the honeymoon comes around then I am now. What he said really struck me. He replied "Well, it's up to you." He is so right. If in 10 months I am right where I started, the failure is on me. If in 10 months I am a leaner and healthier person, then I get to give myself a big pat on the back. Either way, it's up to me how I approach weightloss.

This morning, I was on my 3rd set of pushups, after I had already done an intense upperbody workout. I went down for my 4th and my arms completely gave out from underneath me. I literally thudded to the floor and grunted. I tried so hard to lift myself backup, but there was no more strength left in my arms. I guess that's a good thing. I don't think you get muscle fatigue like that without doing a serious workout.

I know I'll get lectured for this one, beings sleep is such an important and crucial element to a healthy body and mind, but I have been having SERIOUS problems getting to bed before 10:30 or 11:00. Now, that's not so bad, unless you get up at 4:00 a.m. like I do. I usually catch a second wind around 8 or 8:30 and start working on all the projects I need to accomplish and finish. The next thing I know, it's 10:00 and I need to start winding down, which is very hard for me to do. But, that's where the workouts come into hand. Even though I'm not getting the amount of sleep I need (which I am working on) the workouts and healthy eating are boosting my energy levels. Whoohoo...I'm always game for some natural energy!

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