Friday, January 29, 2010

One Month Anniversary

So, today is my one month wedding anniversary. And guess I how I have celebrated it so guessed it, by doing the 30 Day Shred this morning! Whoohoo! I sure know how to party.

Well, I finally saw a budge on the scale this morning! It was hardly a move at all, barely even half a pound, but I'll take it! As long as it's going in the "right" direction, I'm going to try and not complain. Now, the real test is to make sure it doesn't go up over the weekend. All too often I do a great job during the week, only to let all my hard work slide because of my weekend bad habits...bad bad bad. No more bad weekends!

Most workout programs have you work out 5 or 6 days a week, with 1 or 2 off days. Not the 30 Day Shred. That Jillian Michaels really can crack the whip. Even if it's only through my TV, she still somehow manages to put the fear in you that if you don't give a 100%, she'll jump through the TV and kick you in the behind. Yes, she's that good. So, back to my original thought; there are no "off" days on the program. It's 30 straight days of pure sweaty funness! I'm heading home this weekend to spend time with the fam, so I won't be working out on Saturday, but I'll pick up where I left off on Sunday evening. And let's just hope the scale goes in my favor!

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