Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Feelin Hot Hot Hot

Yes, when I said I was "feelin hot hot hot," I wasn't dancing around and shakin my groove thang singing along to Buster Poindexter. I was submitting myself to 1 1/2 hours of pure torture known as Hot Yoga. I went with a good friend of mine who warned me that it would be "hot with some humidity." No problem, I thought. I survived working in Washington, D.C. without A/C for 3 weeks in the middle of the summer. I can handle an hour and a half in a heated room. Boy was I in for a rude awakening. After five minutes of doing the easiest warm up I have ever done in my life, I was drowning in my own sweat. It wasn't hot. It wasn't humid. It was SWELTERING in that room. At one point, I literally felt like I knew what it must be like to drown or suffocate. And incase you were wondering, neither was a pleasant feeling!

But, putting aside the negatives of hot yoga, it turned out to be a wonderful experience. Yes, I wanted to countdown every minute until the end (but I wouldn't let myself for the fear of making it go even slower). It wasn't until I left the yoga studio that I realized that something miraculous had happened. It hit me like a ton of bricks that while in the yoga class, I felt no stress or anxiety whatsoever. It was a miracle, trust me. For those that know me, they know that I am a high strung stress/anxiety addict. Worry should be my middle name. I've tried hobbies to distract myself, hitting the gym to reduce stress levels, and nothing has ever worked...until now!

So, now I'm at the point of deciding whether I should pony up and pay a small fortune each month to buy my "yoga sanity." I think I'll think on that one for awhile. For now, I get to enjoy my free week that the studio offers!

As for the elusive bikini goal. I told my husband that I love my morning workouts. Well, that's a lie. I love them once I complete them. The dragging my sleepy butt out of bed isn't so loveable. However, I do love the benefits of having some sort of physical activity after work to help me decompress from the day. Maybe yoga is the answer. It's great for burning calories and toning those not so toned spots and thus can help me obtain my goal! So, we're going for high intensity workouts in the AM and calming workouts in the PM...Whoo hooo...So, bring on the hot yoga! And on that note, I'll leave you with a note from my new hot yoga theme song...

Me mind on fire, me soul on fire
Feelin hot hot hot
Party people all around me
Feeling hot hot hot

See people rockin yeah people chantin
Feelin hot hot hot
Keep up the spirit come on lets do it
Feeling hot hot hot

How you feelin'? HOT HOT HOT

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