The moment I catch a whiff of the cool fall air, or see a weather forecast for a cold and rainy fall day, I turn into a super happy person. Seriously. This girl loves nothing more than a cold and rainy fall day. The kind of day where you find your fuzzy socks, put them on, and don't get out of your p.j.s all day. It's pure heaven for me. Well, there's one more piece to this puzzle. Hot chocolate. YUMMMM I love hot chocolate like a fat kid loves cheese pizza. I can say that right? I mean, I'm still pretty chunky, and I don't have a problem saying so...Anyway, yesterday in Sam's club, the heavens opened and a light shined down on what I have been craving since the first warm day of spring (aka, the end of hot chocolate season)...Land O'Lakes hot chocolate. Oh my goodness. Talk about heaven in a box. I quickly grabbed the boxes and tossed them into the cart. I have already warned my husband that the Graham Cracker Hot Chocolate is mine. If you haven't tried it, DO IT!
So onto the decision making. This morning, I woke up in a happy mood because it's Friday and I had a packet of hot chocolate waiting downstairs for me. I had planned all last night to have some hot chocolate at work today. Then...I hit the brakes. A quiet little voice in me told me I had better check the calorie content...140 freakin calories (every one of them worth it though). I knew, I just knew I couldn't take it to work. I know myself, and I know I'm going to want to curl up on the couch tonight, wrapped up in a blanket, and wearing my fuzzy socks and sip on my first mug of Graham hot chocolate of the season. I can justify one packet on a Friday, but 2? I don't want to start my weekend on bad, I mean fat note :)
Unfortunately, I know that if I want to get to my goal weight, I'm going to be making many more of these small decisions. It may not seem like much, but small indulgences add up quick. I once heard the quote "Nothing taste as good as skinny feels." I've never felt skinny, so I don't know if this is true. But I do know one thing. Hot chocolate is da bomb diggity and I love it. And if skinny feels better than hot chocolate tastes, then I'm willing to sacrifice a few sips here and there :)
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