Running and chocolate? Hmm...Somebody please tell me how those two things belong in the same sentence. The first, I believe is a form of torture or punishment. You can blame my dislike for running on my high school coaches. Hey, want to make a kid hate something that is good for then? Oh you do? Okay, then make then run everytime they do something wrong. I'm sure it was effective at the time, but years later I STILL associate running with punishment.
Now onto the chocolate. Uh, yes please! Sign me up. I love chocolate, well dark chocolate that is. You can keep the nasty milk & white chocolate to yourself. Yuck. Anyway, onto the explanation. How do running and chocolate go together. Well, yesterday, one of my co-workers brought to my attention this nify little race called Hot Chocolate 15/5K. Wanting to get a team together for this race, he was asking everyone (everyone being all 4 of us in the office) if they would want to run it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. Oh that got a laugh out of me. I can't even fathom running a 5k in almost two months. Thinking about a 15k is just right up there with running 100 miles through the desert with no water. Then I saw a little glimmer of hope. You can walk the 5k. WOOHOO! I had these big plans on getting my husband to run in the race and have my sister that is living with us walk with me.
Then I noticed one small technicality. Apparently the good people of Ghirardelli (the sponsors of the race) are more into planning than I am. This race isn't until December of 2012. This proposes a big problem. Because in my excitement of entering the race, I had already told my husband about it. So when I told him it wasn't until 2012, he responded, "Perfect! Now you can have time to get in shape and run the 15K with me." Oh yes...just perfect and dandy (high sarcasm alert here).
Actually, I think it's a good goal to work towards. I have a loooonnnngggg ways to go to get my booty in shape. In the past, I have put unrealistic goals upon myself, which resulted in setting myself up for failure. This time I'm taking the smart route: Knowing that losing all the weight I have sitting on my short body is going to take a significant amount of time. However, by next December, I should be WAY closer to my goal and also in significantly better shape. I completely believe that I can do a 15k...with a year to prepare.
So, onto the chocolate. As I mentioned Ghirardelli is sponsoring the race. The post race party consists of a fondue party hosted by them. that??? Like I said earlier, yes please! Not to mention, you get this nifty little jacket. That's enough to convince me!

it is so on.