About a year ago, I came across a video on youtube. I know, a video on youtube? Who knew? Anyhoo, it was actually quite spectacular. A guy had taken a picture of himself every single day for about 20 years (give or take a few years) and then somehow got the pictures to play in rapid succession, almost like a movie...with pictures. It was insanely cool to see, in the course of about a minute, the guy age 20 years. Talk about trippy.
Last month I did something that most people dare to never even think of. I turned the radio off during my morning/evening commutes. Most of the music/D.J's on the radio are crap anyway, so I take this time to think and reflect. So, the other day, I started thinking about the youtube video I referenced previously. And then BOOM...an idea popped into my head. Now, I'll be honest with you, I get many brilliant ideas (atleast I think they're brilliant). It's just the follow through I have issues with, but this idea was too brilliant to get filed into the "I'll complete that when I have more time" file. This is where my wanna-be photographer husband comes in hand.
I bravely asked him to take a picture of me everyday...EVERYDAY. Did I mention I hate having my picture taken? I figured this would be a way cool tool to track my progress. The scale may not move for a week, I may feel fatter another week, but pictures? They don't lie. Not to mention can you imagine how cool it will be to see my weightloss over 1 1/2 years squished into about 1 minute of pictures zooming across the screen? Well, I think it will be cool!
you dident mention the other pictures hunnie. =)