In my last post, I also mentioned I would think over the weekend about a reasonable amount of weight to lose in the next 12 weeks. When I have been consistently working out & eating right, the most I have ever lost in a week was 6 lbs (although this was a one time thing and out of the norm). The recommended amount of weightloss is 2 lbs/week. However, the bigger/heavier you are, the more you tend to lose per week. I decided that for me, a 2.5 lbs loss per week would make me very happy. At that rate, I would be down 30 lbs by the end of the Herbalife Weightloss Challenge. Not too shabby.
One more additional thing. I have been trying for awhile now to get my husband to do P90X or Body For Life, but he keeps brushing me off. Apparently he thinks the Army's way of working out is so much better (insert tone of sarcasm). I don't give him too much of a hard time considering he is working out everyday. Honestly, I'm just a really competitive person and wanted to rope him into doing one of the programs so we could compete for progress (not quite sure if this is healthy for a marriage, but moving on). Well, thankfully I found another way to compete with him. During a google search one night, I came across the One Hundred Pushup Challenge. Over the course of 6 weeks, you build your endurance and reps of pushups until you can do 100 in a row. Boy does that sound fun. NOT! If there's one thing I love it's a challenge/competition and testing limits. While 100 pushups sounds almost mythical to me at the moment, I sure would love to see if I can do it. And you know what they say, misery loves company. That's why I suckered the hubs into this crazy plan of mine!
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