I have found that if I want to obtain my goals, I have to set small goals that lead up to the grand finale. Yes, I would LOVE to lose 100 lbs (not lying) but who wants to stare at a huge goal like that? Talk about depressing. If I woke up every morning and thought "Wow, only 96 more lbs to go," I'd probably cry all day. This is why I believe in mini goals. Achieving a goal is such a fantastic feeling. How many of us achieve a goal and say, "Ok. That's it. That was fun, but I'm done?" Well, I don't know about you, but I sure don't. The feeling of mastering a goal just fuels the fire and motivates me to tackle another one!
On Tuesday, I start another Herbalife Weightloss Challenge. With the last challenge I took a "let's see what can happen" attitude. Now that I know I am capable of losing weight if I put my mind to it, I'm going to give this next challenge everything I have. So, in order to do this, I need to set my goals. Here goes.
* Drink the recommended amount of water (1/2 of your body weight in ounces)
* Get atleast 6 hours of sleep a night. This may not sound like a lot, but for me it is.
* Workout 6 days a week.
* Do not eat out (I will make an acception if I have company...which is rare)
* Learn to eat my apples....without peanut butter....sigh
* Take my vitamins (gag...i hate vitamins)
Ok, that's enough goals for now. I'm going to give it more thought and see how much weight I think I can realistically lose in the next 12 weeks.
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