1. While you are brushing your teeth, balance on one leg. Do this for 30 seconds and switch legs each time you brush a different area of your mouth. Burns 10 calories.
2. While at work, when you go to sit down in your chair, stop, pause, and then stand back up (essentially doing a squat). If you do 15 throughout the day, this can burn 10 calories. Side note...I'm pretty sure I'd be getting some pretty strange looks at work for this one!
3. When you are sitting down in your chair at work, lift one leg at a leg and "draw" the letters of your alphabet while pointing your toe. The first time I heard of this one, I laughed thinking it wouldn't do anything. Trust me, you'll feel it by the time you get to XYZ.
4. While pumping gas, do calf raises for as long as it takes to fill up your car. Hey, you may look goofy to the person pumping gas next to you, but atleast you don't have to see them everyday like you do your co-workers! This can burn 10 calories.
5. This isn't necessarily a calorie burner, but a calorier saver. If you absolutely must eat from a fastfood place, and you choose McDonald's, order a Happy Meal. This can save you up to 390 compared to if you had ordered a Quarter Pounder with cheese...Ick...
6. Make your TV watching healther. Alternate doing pushups and situps during commercials. Yes, this can be a pain, literally, but it sure beats sitting on your bum all night wasting away watching television!
So there you have it. I'm curious to see what other ways I can find to add toning exercises into your daily routine. Any ideas?
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