Okay, this has nothing to do with fitness, losing weight, or eating healthy, but it's a funny story and I thought I would share. Tonight I was on the phone with Jason, as I am most nights, and I was once again complaining about how much I missed him. He was being wonderful, reassuring, and reminding me that we only have 5 more months (not much considering we've been apart for 2 years next month) to go until he's out of the Army and free to live with me and drive me crazy. He then proceeds to tell me that I need to be "Strong. Army strong." I immediately started the gagging sounds to give him a hard time and then proceeded to tell him that the word Army is a "four letter word" in my book right now. There was a silent pause and then he said, "Oh yeah? Well, wife is a four letter word to me!" BURN! Thankfully I saw the humor in it and started laughing. I mean, when someone sets themselves up that easy, like I did, you just gotta take advantage of it. So, props to the husband for one upping me and putting me in my place. I promise you, that does not happen very often :)
Weigh-in went well today. I was expecting the impending scale of doom to give me bad news, but the sweet little fellow actually told me I had lost a pound. How nice! If for some reason the scale moves in the wrong direction next week, I might have to give it an forceful kick as I step off, but for today, the scale went kick free.
Okay, it's time to sign off. I promised myself I would get to bed at a decent hour tonight and if I don't get off the computer asap, then all hope will be lost.
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